Saturday, July 12, 2014

veda vyas and guru purnima...a guru purnima special

veda vyas guru purnimaTHE VEDAS ARE ALWAYS DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND FOR A COMMON to make it simple lord vishnu took avatar of VEDA VYAS.veda vyas divided the vedas into 4.
1.ridveda 2.yajurveda 3.samaveda 4.adharvana veda.. These 4 vedas were taught to his disciples.again he extraxted upanishads from vedas for better understanding.later he written Mahabharat which is known as fifth veda , for better understanding of vedas to common man.he also wrote 18 puranas and bhagavatam as the essnce of vedas
 Vyasa (Devanagri: व्यास, vyāsa) is a central and revered figure in most Hindu traditions. He is also sometimes called Veda Vyāsa (वेदव्यास, veda-vyāsa), (the one who classified the Vedas into four parts) or Krishna Dvaipāyana (referring to his complexion and birthplace). There are two different views regarding his birthplace. One of the views suggests that he was born in the island of Yamunā River. He is the author of the Mahabharata, as well as a character in it. He is considered to be the scribe of both the Vedas and Puranas. According to Hindu beliefs, Vyasa is an incarnation of God Vishnu. Most of the scholars cite that the period of Vyasa was between 1800 BC and 1500 BC.
The festival of Guru Purnima is dedicated to him. It is also known as Vyasa Purnima for it is the day believed to be both his birthday and the day he divided the Vedas.