Sunday, December 27, 2015


hi friends
I have an enthusiasm to visit temples of my religion to see the marvelous architecture of the ancient people of my country.we got a christmas hliday so we planned to visit to srirangam temple where lord vishnu recites in the name of sri ranganatha swamy and goddess Laxmi is called sri ranganayaki here. we were seven members took permission from our warden and started to trichy which is 50 kms away from our university. we reached there with in one and half hours. Though that day is not an auspicious day the temple is fuly covered by people in and out.this is dhanurmasam or margazhi masam ,so normally all the directions of the temples are covered with devotees. the moment we entered the premises the priest announce that the temple is closed @ 10 am and the reopening @ 1 pm so we didnt waste the time. we went to see the goddess laxmi.It is situated in a separate is an old,big and an attractive sitting posture laxmi idol.we took the lessings from her and later saw sudarsana chakra temple.Then we moved to sri ramanujar sannidhi.This sannidhi is of great importance.most of the people in our religion doesnt know it, the ramanujar body is worshiped here instead of idol.yes,u heard correctly, the people worship his physical body, which was more than 800 years old. this shows the power of ramanujar.He attained it through his devotion to the sri ranganathar.later we saw lord rama temple,ram looks handsome in any temple:).words are not sufficient in our language to express his beauty.Then we stand in the lengthy que for the darshan of vishnu,the main diety.about 3 hours we stood int his que.its boring so we timepassed in that que by making jokes on each other(between our friends nly).then the que has moved ,we saw the vishnu in his sleeping posture.we felt the positive vibrations in us while we were in sanctum sanctorum. then we came out of

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Telugu movies downfall

Hi friends..good morning
I m from andhrapradesh , india where telugu is major language. In my childhood i used to see only telugu movies.i like "superstar" krishna a lot. Those times telugu movies are made in such a way that we can go theatres nd njoy movies with our families.but today the situation is different. The directors bacame commercial.the movies they are directing are so clumpsy nd so violent so i m unable to watch movies in theaters. In olden days there are directors like k.Viswanath,and others who made  movies like they are sculpturing a stone. the movies they made got national awards and good marks from critics.all those days are gone. Now a days all directors are going for item songs with nude dances which doesn't allow family audience to the theater seats.all movies made out of violence and nudity.we had the great directors who took a film on a fly..(rajamouli)..but wats d use in making such films..wats d use in making bahubali for two years,if there is no meaning to give to audience through these films. How many national awards did our tollywood got?..answer is zero..
First we have to eliminate directors like srinu vaitla from our industry..he is a termite to tollywood. M so angry over these guys.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Greatness of dravid

Mallam temple,nellore,andhrapradesh

MALLAM is a beautiful place where the temple of lord Subrahmanyeswara swamy is situated.This village is in nellore district of andhrapradesh is geographically situated between nayudupeta and duggarajupatnam. It is 96 kms from nellore.frequently buses are available from nayudupeta,which is 30 kms away from Mallam. any train or bus going to chennai will stop at nayudupeta. The way from nayudupeta to this temple is covered with kalakalapudi forest area leaving u amazed by its beauty.
Now lets talk about temple.
The idol in the temple is a swayambhu. The legend is as follows...the lord kumara has killed two demons here with his sakthi weapon . one of d demons named mallasura prayed god that his name should become eternal lord kumara gave this village  this name mallam. The idol is so attractive that you would not want your eyes go anywhere except on that idol. the priests of thus temple chants mantras rhythmically and does a great puja daily. The lord here doesnt have hands ..this is another big story..
once a chola king named pandya bhupathi is visiting this place,he saw bamboo sticks growing on an nathill. he wants to make a palanquin using the he cut the bamboo trees,but what he doesnt know is that lord subrahmanya is sitting and doing penance in the anthill..lord's hands were cut due to kings mistake and blood started oozing from antshill. to get rid of this sin, king bhupathi constructed a temple here, as said by lord.
there is another story associated with the temple chariot.this chariot is must seen shows the power of architects at that time. the king asked his trusted architects to construct the temple corridor, which looks like chariot.the craftsman constructed it with utmost devotion and dedication.after the work is over, craftsmen wanted to show this magnificent chariot to his lover in thanjavur, so he gave prana to the chariot. the chariot turned 180 degrees to the direction of thanjavur and it is about to run,at same time his father came and saw his son's foolish act and cut the legs of chariot and also killed his son and himself.the broken legs of horse can be seen even the chariot turned.this place is also called thirugudumallam .
 This temple is really powerful and one of d holy sites of lord subrahmanya. There are rooms available here under temple trust fr 100 rupees per day.
Don't forget this temple..this temple has many stories and powerful god is present inside. So try to visit nd get blessings from Subrahmanyeswaraswamy

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Tirupati temple near peddapuram

The tour to tanjore

Planeaba ir a un templo con mi amigo como yo conseguí licencia de vacaciones en mi me han seleccionado Karaikal como mi lugar como uno de mis mejores amigos en esa ciudad con frecuencia me preguntan a visitar a su place.on el día de la visita a su casa fuimos a THIRUNALLAR donde shani señor es famosa. Es un templo único en India.some de mis amigos Saravanan, srinivas Mangipudi, Jayachandran y Rubavel también se unió al tour.unexpectedly el plan thanjavur surge en nuestra heart.thanjavur es realmente una visita obligada lugar.el enorme templo que fue construido al señor Shiva es maldita uno puede encontrar palabras en el diccionario de Oxford para describir el arte magnífico del templo. Mientras yo estaba entrando en el templo de la puerta principal o en el arco o mukha sí gopuram mostrado como un mountain..such una enorme size..later que entramos al templo con dresses..except tradicional me.I permaneció en jeans y T- shirt.after entrar en el templo principal ... mi cuerpo se detuvo de repente automático en el oscilación de un enorme templo como por primera vez en mi life.wowww! ... @ wesome !!! .... mi reactions..the enorme y de altura y masivo gopuram .... Tomé una rotación para toda llevó 15 minutos ... aunque ande fast.all los ídolos son seis pies de altura ... lingam de Shiva es de 4 metros de alto length..the en tamilnadu..I le dirá los detalles en mi próximo visit..but u debe ver los temple..I prometen su cielo para personas que gustan del arte y antiguos templos y fortalezas ....

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Magnificent THANJAVURU

I planned to go to a temple with my friend  as I got vacation leave in my I have selected KARAIKAL as my spot as one of my best friends in that city frequently asking me to visit his place.on the day of visiting his home we went to THIRUNALLAR where lord shani is famous. Is a unique temple in India.some of my friends Saravanan,srinivas Mangipudi,jayachandran and Rubavel also joined the tour.unexpectedly the thanjavur plan arises in our heart.thanjavur is really a must visit place.the huge temple which was constructed to lord Shiva is damn one can find words in oxford dictionary to describe the magnificent art of the temple. While I was entering into the temple the main gate or arch or mukha gopuram itself shown up like a mountain..such a huge size..later we stepped in to temple with traditional dresses..except me.I remained in jeans and T-shirt.after entering the main body was suddenly stopped automatic on swing such a huge temple for first time in my life.wowww!...@wesome!!! reactions..the huge and tall and massive gopuram....I took one rotation for whole took 15 mins...though I walk fast.all the idols are six feet height... Shiva lingam is 4 meters in length..the tallest in tamilnadu..I will tell full details in my next visit..but u must see the temple..I promise its heaven for people who like art and old temples and forts....